Monday, March 18, 2013


Here I talk about the process and detail my inspiration. It's all explained in the video, but with this project my main goal was to bring a complicated science to my home. Though it may seem like it, I've really simplified the process by synthesizing a lot of research.



  1. The way that you approach science, to me, is actually really fascinating as you take it in more abstractly than schools teach us here. In school, the labs we do in science generally involve us reading the steps from a lab book in order to perform a certain effect, and this really deteriorates from the concept of science. The way that you are using household materials to create something that would take lab thousands of dollars is again appealing to me as you are using the raw science to achieve a goal that is usually not done in personal household. I hope that your tissue cultures grow the way the you want them to, and that your project runs successfully!

  2. Yo DrĂ¼! Great video blog man! The clips were very well put together, and your visual aids truly enhanced the story you were trying to tell. As far as content goes, you really did a nice job of delving deep into your inspiration and purpose for this project. Speaking of which, I think something that separates you from the rest of the people embarking on this journey, is the uniqueness of your passion. Most people chose the generic route when thinking of things that they are passionate about, but the idea of doing elaborate science experiments with merely the things from your kitchen. Keep it up brochacho!

  3. Wow this was actually pretty artsy. Very dramatic with the music and everything. I liked your overall message about experimentation. I think it add another dimension to your project, because not only are you passionate enough to explore, but also have a certain humility to admit that you don't know everything and can make mistakes. Overall, I can tell you and your plants are really enjoying this project.
