Wednesday, March 27, 2013

That was fast...

Alas, the most likely outcome in this experiment has arrive. Contamination. I checked last night and every single leaf had some form of white/grey fuzzy mold on it. But hey! At least I could recognize it. And the problem was on the leaves, not the gel, which means my project isn't a total failure. I just need to reconsider. I will be redoing the experiment tomorrow with some new jars, and seeds instead of cuttings. These sundew leaves are particularly hard because of the hundreds of nooks and crannies created by the tentacles.

This was the best photo I could get. See the white smudge on the green leaf? That's the mold.


  1. RIP to the leaves. It's unfortunate that your culture didn't quite work out.
    Knowing you however, I'm sure you'll get it this time around.
    Did you figure out what kind of mold was growing? If so, do you think that the mold grew abnormally fast (so the gel worked?)?
    I think it's amazing how quickly you were able to evaluate your problem and come up with a solution (using seeds).
    Good luck with the next batch!

  2. It's a shame that your leaves grew mold so quickly... Hopefully the others won't do that. Do you think there's any difference between the sterility (can I use that word there? oh well) of the cornstarch and the agar? (Since you said the problem was with the leaves rather than the gel, I'm guessing that won't have much of an effect anyway.)

    Make sure you post an update of the new jars with the seeds! Hopefully that one works out better. Good luck!
